Friday, March 6, 2020

Coping with Rejection How to Get Over Not Getting the Job - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Coping with Rejection How to Get Over Not Getting the Job - Introvert Whisperer Coping with Rejection: How to Get Over Not Getting the Job Rejection is tough, no matter what the context.   If you’ve set your heart on a job and then fail to make the grade, it can be hard to pick yourself up and begin yet another round of applications, but it’s worth remembering that rejection can sometimes lead to better things.   You may not be able to draw a line under the experience and move on straight away, but here are just a few ways to help you cope with the pain of not landing your dream job. Smile Like You Mean it  People telling you to ‘cheer up’ will probably just make you feel worse.   It’s easy to feel gloomy when you’ve been rejected, but forcing a smile really can improve your mood and help you approach the new job hunt with a more positive attitude.   Smiling triggers a powerful chemical reaction in the brain, releasing serotonin and dopamine which reduce feelings of stress and boost feelings of happiness.   Even if you don’t feel in the mood for it, try to look yourself in the mirror at the start of the day and give yourself a grin. Ask for Feedback  Rejection is worse when you don’t know the reasons behind it, so if you’ve been turned down for a job, leave it a couple of days and then get back in touch to ask where you went wrong.   Hearing criticism isn’t a very pleasant experience but it’s the only way you will improve and stand a better chance next time.   Some companies may not want to engage in a discussion about where you fell short, but if they can provide you with some constructive feedback then it can help you make sense of the rejection. Build on Your Skillset  If you have managed to get some feedback from the company you applied to, now might be a good time to act on it.   Are there certain skills you need to brush up on, or could you add another string to your bow by taking a short course to boost your CV?   If you didn’t get the job this time, there’s still a chance a similar position could become available soon â€" use your free time productively to add to your skillset.   You could give yourself an advantage over the competition next time around. Take Some Time to Find Out What You Want  What do you really want from your career?   If you didn’t get the job you wanted this time, is it really the right job for you?   Getting a rejection letter can be the spur you need to take a long, hard look at your career and ask what you really want from a job and an employer.   Use the days and weeks after the initial disappointment as a time for reflection and try to work out whether this is what you really wanted after all.   You might decide you want to take a completely different career path or look further afield for work. Don’t Pin Your Hopes on the One Job  When you think you tick all the boxes and would love the role, it can be very easy to pin all your hopes on landing that one job.   That makes rejection all the harder to bear.   If you’ve found it difficult to move on after this disappointment, try to remember not to get carried away next time you spot what looks like your dream job.   The oft-cited warning not to put all your eggs in one basket holds true when it comes to job hunting â€" don’t just apply to the job you like the look of, apply to as many as you can and you might find there’s something even better which you would otherwise have overlooked. Above all, remember that there’s very rarely anything personal in being rejected by a potential employer.   With hundreds of people chasing the one role, it could be that you missed out by the smallest of margins and will have better luck next time around.   Once you’ve indulged in a little self-pity, try to pick yourself up and get back to the job hunt â€" something better might be just around the corner. Lizzie Exton writes for Inspiring Interns, which specialises in sourcing candidates for  internships. To browse our  graduate jobs London listings, visit our website. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?   Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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