Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Helping Your Child With Tutoring Time Centers

Helping Your Child With Tutoring Time CentersTutor time centers can help you and your child learn together. This is one of the ways that the specialist in the center can help you out when your child's education is troubled. A center is basically a room where the tutor can meet with your child to work out the issues that the child is facing and to come up with solutions. You might have even talked to the school about taking the child out for this kind of help.The time that the tutor spends with your child will be valuable and there will be no point in skipping important classes, but it can be equally beneficial for your child's learning. Most centers for tutoring are fairly relaxed, but if you have problems going with your child, they might make you feel like you can't do it. But remember that it will be worth it in the end. Even if it's not, they will still work with your child. They will understand your views and will make suggestions so that your child can move on to better times i n life.If your child has been struggling with things at home, or you know that you can help them in the classroom, consider looking into a tutor. They can help your child to focus on getting a good grade or the one you want. They can help to solve the problems and get them to the point where they feel comfortable.Tutor time centers will teach your child different things that they will be able to use in the future. It's important that they go to the right places so that they will pick up right where they left off. As long as your child is motivated, then it's not a problem at all. Even if your child feels like a failure in the class, they can learn from them.Before you get in touch with a tutor, make sure that you check what they have to offer. There are many to choose from. Some are cheap, while others may be very expensive. If you get in touch with the cheapest, it might not be of any use to you. A good centre will let you test out their facility first before you begin working with them.Make sure that you choose a centre that will be good for your child. Don't just pick any that has the word tutor written on it. Look for those who have someone who has been a tutor or someone who is experienced in tutoring. Check with the local government and see if they have any schools that have a good reputation.Once you find some tutoring centers, they should be able to help you with your problems. They should be able to show you the best options for your child and they should be able to provide you with solutions to help you with your issues. They should be able to help you and your child with all your issues including your child's grades and making sure that you know how to approach the school properly.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Coping with Rejection How to Get Over Not Getting the Job - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Coping with Rejection How to Get Over Not Getting the Job - Introvert Whisperer Coping with Rejection: How to Get Over Not Getting the Job Rejection is tough, no matter what the context.   If you’ve set your heart on a job and then fail to make the grade, it can be hard to pick yourself up and begin yet another round of applications, but it’s worth remembering that rejection can sometimes lead to better things.   You may not be able to draw a line under the experience and move on straight away, but here are just a few ways to help you cope with the pain of not landing your dream job. Smile Like You Mean it  People telling you to ‘cheer up’ will probably just make you feel worse.   It’s easy to feel gloomy when you’ve been rejected, but forcing a smile really can improve your mood and help you approach the new job hunt with a more positive attitude.   Smiling triggers a powerful chemical reaction in the brain, releasing serotonin and dopamine which reduce feelings of stress and boost feelings of happiness.   Even if you don’t feel in the mood for it, try to look yourself in the mirror at the start of the day and give yourself a grin. Ask for Feedback  Rejection is worse when you don’t know the reasons behind it, so if you’ve been turned down for a job, leave it a couple of days and then get back in touch to ask where you went wrong.   Hearing criticism isn’t a very pleasant experience but it’s the only way you will improve and stand a better chance next time.   Some companies may not want to engage in a discussion about where you fell short, but if they can provide you with some constructive feedback then it can help you make sense of the rejection. Build on Your Skillset  If you have managed to get some feedback from the company you applied to, now might be a good time to act on it.   Are there certain skills you need to brush up on, or could you add another string to your bow by taking a short course to boost your CV?   If you didn’t get the job this time, there’s still a chance a similar position could become available soon â€" use your free time productively to add to your skillset.   You could give yourself an advantage over the competition next time around. Take Some Time to Find Out What You Want  What do you really want from your career?   If you didn’t get the job you wanted this time, is it really the right job for you?   Getting a rejection letter can be the spur you need to take a long, hard look at your career and ask what you really want from a job and an employer.   Use the days and weeks after the initial disappointment as a time for reflection and try to work out whether this is what you really wanted after all.   You might decide you want to take a completely different career path or look further afield for work. Don’t Pin Your Hopes on the One Job  When you think you tick all the boxes and would love the role, it can be very easy to pin all your hopes on landing that one job.   That makes rejection all the harder to bear.   If you’ve found it difficult to move on after this disappointment, try to remember not to get carried away next time you spot what looks like your dream job.   The oft-cited warning not to put all your eggs in one basket holds true when it comes to job hunting â€" don’t just apply to the job you like the look of, apply to as many as you can and you might find there’s something even better which you would otherwise have overlooked. Above all, remember that there’s very rarely anything personal in being rejected by a potential employer.   With hundreds of people chasing the one role, it could be that you missed out by the smallest of margins and will have better luck next time around.   Once you’ve indulged in a little self-pity, try to pick yourself up and get back to the job hunt â€" something better might be just around the corner. Lizzie Exton writes for Inspiring Interns, which specialises in sourcing candidates for  internships. To browse our  graduate jobs London listings, visit our website. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?   Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Hora do mimimi Não sacaneie o coleguinha!

Hora do mimimi Não sacaneie o coleguinha! Todo mundo brinca quando alguém fala ou escreve errado, quer dizer, pelo menos quem sabe (ou acha que sabe) como escrever ou falar corretamente. Embora seja algo comum, especialmente entre os jovens, além de poder ofender quem é alvo da brincadeira, também pode fazer com que as pessoas se sintam inibidas de participar em conversas, por acreditarem que serão julgadas por tudo aquilo que dizem ou escrevem.Há quem categorize o que vou dizer aqui de mimimi, mas a verdade é que da mesma forma que existe bullying contra quem é gordinho ou homossexual, por exemplo, também existe contra quem escreve e fala errado, principalmente quando a pessoa tem menos desenvoltura para comunicar. Não vou ser hipócrita e dizer que nunca tirei onda com a cara de ninguém, seja por qual motivo for, mas, no fundo, conforme os anos foram passando, entendi que nem sempre esta é a abordagem mais correta a ter para com os outros.Quando sacaneamos alguém essa pessoa pode ficar desconfortável ou entra r na brincadeira. Contudo, se pararmos para pensar um pouco, independentemente da postura da pessoa naquele momento, ela pode ficar pensando nisso e se sentir realmente magoada por ter sido alvo de gozação. São pequenas coisas como essa que podem moldar ou destruir a confiança de alguém.  Felizmente, os professores da LOI English com quem tenho falado dizem que os seus alunos brasileiros são os mais extrovertidos, não têm medo de falar, mesmo que o seu nível de Inglês seja básico.Apesar das boas notícias sobre quem procura ter aulas, a minha experiência pessoal me diz que certos comentários depreciativos podem fazer com que se tenha menos confiança na hora de falar Inglês, o que pode prejudicar, e muito, o desenvolvimento do domínio do idioma. Por isso, se você sabe mais Inglês do que o coleguinha, pense duas vezes antes de tirar onda com a cara dele. Ao invés disso, aproveite a oportunidade para exercitar aquilo que sabe e ensine a escrever ou dizer corretamente . Afinal, a probabilidade de haver alguém que sabe mais Inglês do que você é enorme, será que você gostaria de ser sacaneado se você cometesse um erro? Erick da Costa Lima Não tem muito a ver com o assunto, mas existe gíria em inglês equivalente à nossa gíria mimimi? LOIEnglish Olá @@erickdacostalima:disqus! Acho que vc pode ver uma explicaçoe aqui:

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Thank you for your time Making your first business call in English

Thank you for your time Making your first business call in English by Muireann PrendergastThe idea of making your first business call in English is not just unsettling, but terrifying for most students of English. However, with some work beforehand and plenty of practice, there are ways to prepare for it. Here are five of them.1. Prepare your introduction and possible introductions from the speakerIt’s a good idea to prepare your opening sentences of introduction before you dial that number.For example:             Good morning/Good afternoon.             This is Pedro Rivas from Google Argentina speaking.             May I speak to Mr. John Daly, please?If the person is expecting your call, it is helpful to say this.             Mr. Daly is expecting my call.It is also useful to prepare yourself for what the speaker might say in return.If the person who has answered the telephone is the person you have asked to speak to he/she will say:             This is she/he             or             SpeakingHowever, if you are calling a big company or mul tinational it is likely that the person’s secretary or personal assistant, PA, might answer the telephone. He/she might say the following:             Can you hold the line please while I transfer you to Mr. Daly’s office or             I’m sorry, Mr. Daly is not available at the moment, may I take a message?or             I’m sorry, Mr. Daly has stepped out of the office, can you call back later?Or, if the lines are busy, you might hear: All of our operators are busy at the moment, can you please call back later.2. Practice saying your number and email and noting down numbers and emails in EnglishFor business calls, you can be sure you will have to leave your own telephone number or the number of your office at some point. For this reason, it is necessary that you be confident in saying your number in English. You should practice saying it beforehand:Remember, it sounds more fluent to say your number two-digits at a time.For example, if your number is 6554389887, you should read it sixty-five, fifty-four, thirty-eight, ninety-eight, eighty-seven.Also, practice saying your email address in English.@ = = dot comAlso, business calls will also require you to hear and note down telephone numbers. It is helpful to practice listening to numbers and writing them down from English-language television and radio news reports.Also, brush upon on your alphabet in English for noting down email addresses. If possible, ask native English speaking friends to call out their email addresses to you and practice writing them down.3. Leaving a message on an answering machineLeaving a message on an answering machine for work purposes in English can be a scary experience. However, once you have clear what you want to say you can practice it beforehand, writing down the information if it helps.Here is an example:Good morning/Good afternoon. This is Paul Garcia from Garcia Associates architects in Madrid. I am calling to confirm my video conference call for 4 pm Tuesda y afternoon next, May 16, with David Lloyd. Should Mr. Lloyd be unable to receive the call, I would appreciate it if he would call me on my direct line at 065 3453432 to reschedule it. Otherwise, I look forward to speaking with Mr. Lloyd on Tuesday. Until then, thank you and goodbye.4. Tips to help you understandIf you feel overwhelmed and cannot understand the speaker, don’t worry. There are ways to get out of difficulty:If you can’t understand what the person is saying say:             I’m sorry, could you repeat that please?If you think the person is speaking to fast:             I’m sorry, would you mind speaking slower, please?If you can’t catch a place name or person mentioned:             I’m sorry, could you repeat that please?If you can’t hear them properly             I’m sorry there is interference on the line, can I call you from different phone?Or I’m sorry there is a bad connection can I call you back later?5. Finishing the callWhen it is time to fini sh the call you can say             Alright then, I think that’s about it for now.or             I’m happy that we have covered all the bases.It’s also a good idea to thank the person for their time.             I appreciate you taking the call and thank you for your time.Establish how you would like to follow up after the telephone call-I look forward to speaking with you again next week.-I will send you an email with the details we discussed attached.-I look forward to speaking to you personally next week.While you think about what you are going to say and how you want to say it let’s listen to the best known pop song in English about stressful telephone calls, Blondie’s Hanging On The Telephone:

6 Ways to Incorporate Fall Colors Into Your Decor

6 Ways to Incorporate Fall Colors Into Your Decor Image via The key is choosing colors that compliment your living room furniture, but here’s the good news:  the fall color palette goes far beyond your basic reds, greens, oranges, and yellows. Anything from beige to deep red wine to navy will have you ready for the season. Don’t be afraid to mix and match cute patterns, such as plaids and stripes. Suede, velvet, wool, and burlap are also great for adding some texture to your furniture. Consider buying a soft fur rug to bring the whole room together  as long as it’s faux fur! 2.  Add big pops of color with small accessories You can incorporate fall into your décor simply by accessorizing. Start with your lighting; a lampshade can make all the difference. Bright colors or hand-painted designs add great mood lighting. If you’re feeling crafty, all you need is a solid-colored shade, some paint, and a small brush to DIY a beautiful fall-inspired lampshade. Lanterns and string lights are just enough to brighten up any corner of your home as well. While metals are sometimes overlooked when considering fall color schemes, they add elegance to any home. Brass, gold, and silver vases filled with bouquets of mums make bold accent pieces. Image via You can’t exactly bring real woodland creatures into your home, but ceramic figurines look just as cute and are perfect for fall. The best part is that they can go anywhere, whether it be on shelves, atop a fireplace, or on end tables. Create your own little forest full of foxes, squirrels, owls, and wolves.  Pier 1 Imports has a wide selection of sculptures, figurines, frames, and more. 3.  Channel your inner outdoorsman with wooden pieces For a rustic look, add some dark woods to your home. If you already have wooden floors, you’re already halfway there! Complete the look with a sheepskin rug (remember the faux). If you don’t have wooden floors, this look can still be achieved with accessories like lamps with a wooden base, picture frames, or DIY plywood signs. In homes equipped with a wood-burning fireplace, there’s no need to hide the logs this season! Display them in an iron firewood rack to make your living room feel like a cozy cabin. Fall can also be the time to incorporate some bigger changes; it’s the perfect excuse to bring the wooden wardrobe into your bedroom that you’ve been eyeing for weeks. 4.  Get cooking with earthy tableware Rather than buying sets of plates, autumn is the time to mix individuals for a folk-inspired look, according to Interior Goods Direct. Image via The colors of fall work well with each other no matter the combination, so don’t be afraid to choose two (such as orange and navy) and create your own custom set from there. Alternatively, you can pick one solid color (navy, for example) as a base for your set and incorporate patterned pieces of the same shade. Table runners and centerpieces are simple options for adding a fall spin to your kitchen. If you don’t mind a basic look, the cheapest table runners can be custom-made by cutting a thick strip of burlap. Add an intricate vase as your centerpiece and the transformation is complete. 5.  Invite autumn inside with pumpkins, hay, and leaves Why not incorporate the items that inspire you with their colors? You can get so creative with natural fall elements. Pumpkins can be carved or painted, big or small, and they can go anywhere in your home. You can turn any pumpkin into anything, from a spooky Halloween look to an elegant piece of art. Image via The same goes for leaves collect some fallen foliage from your backyard and give it new life. Create a framed collage or a string of garland. If you’d rather go down the artificial route, Michaels has a selection of seasonal artificial decorating supplies. Corn stalks and hay bales can decorate your front porch, or become the base of a big wreath for your front door. Add some apples, pumpkins, or even a small scarecrow to the display. Your house will be autumn-ready inside and out! Looking for an easy way to furnish your off-campus apartment? Renting furniture from CORT saves you time and money. See how easy it is to get great looking furniture without breaking the bank.

Why Take a Community College Class Over the Summer

Why Take a Community College Class Over the Summer 5 Reasons to Take a Community College Class Over the Summer Many students enroll in community college to get an AA or AS degree before moving on to a four-year institution. Alternatively, many students start their college education at a four-year university working towards a Bachelors degree from the beginning. Students from both institutions have the opportunity to take a class over the summer at their local community college. Students already enrolled in a local community college will be able to get a class out of the way and work towards graduation while students attending a four-year institution in the same state may be able to use community college credits as elective units towards their degree our private Los Angeles college tutors are here to help you make the most of your summer. 1.   More attention from the instructor Summer courses tend to offer a smaller class size and more attention from an instructor. When educators have 50+ students in their classes they dont have a lot of time to give to each individual student but, summer classes often mean class sizes of 15 to 20 students where the instructor can get to know each and every participant and give them the individual attention they need to be successful. Students who are tired of the giant lecture halls theyve attended during the year will probably love these more intimate summer courses where they can actually interact in a small group setting. 2.   Eight-week courses Many community colleges offer eight week courses during the summer as opposed to the 16 to 20 week classes offered during the year. This means that ambitious students can get a course started and finished in about half the time they would spend during the year. It also means that they need to be diligent about finishing homework assignments and projects but, most students will only take one or two classes during summer term so the workload is not unreasonable. Whether a student is taking a core class or an elective, its nice to accomplish something important in such a short time (San Diego Tutoring Tips: 5 Ways to Help Your Kids Finish Their Homework on Time) . 3.   Explore elective courses Summer term also offers a great opportunity to explore an elective class that might not be available during the year. When students are bogged down with core subjects or studying day and night working towards their major, they often dont get a chance to really enjoy some of the general education classes available to them. Perhaps a student always wanted to throw pottery, practice yoga, or learn about interior design. Many of these elective courses count towards graduation and can also be a fun opportunity to learn something new and socialize with like-minded people. 4.   Graduate on time or early It seems like, these days, students are struggling to graduate on time whether they are studying at a two or four year college. Many classes are impacted, meaning there are more students who want to take the course than seats available, and students often have trouble even filling their schedule with any four classes that count towards graduation. On the other hand, most students go home during the summer and focus on relaxation or work at their part-time job. This leaves an open opportunity for willing students to take a class or two over the summer that will ensure their graduation on time or even early. 5.   Enjoy a more relaxed academic environment Summer classes tend to offer a more relaxed academic environment. This is especially true for four-year university students who choose to take a community college class near their home in person or online. Whether a student is at a two or four-year college, they should check ahead of time that the class they want to sign up for will count towards their graduation. Once a student has done their fact checking, they can enjoy a more calm and engaging environment throughout the summer term. Whether you didnt do as well as youd like this past semester or just want to get a head start on next year, our in-home Los Angeles college tutors are here to help. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Lexington Richland Five

Lexington Richland Five Lexington Richland Five The legal name of the district is School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties. School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties is commonly referred to as District Five. The school district was organized by action of the Lexington County Board of Education in 1951 and the Richland County Board of Education in 1952. The action of the Boards of Education consolidated several smaller school districts in the Counties. In addition to the District Five, there are four other school districts in Lexington County and two other school districts in Richland County. District Five, as well as the other school districts in Lexington County, are fiscally independent. The Board of Trustees has the responsibility for setting the operational millage within the restrictions allowed by the State Legislature. District Five encompasses a land area of approximately 196 square miles, approximately one-half of which is situated in each of Lexington and Richland Counties. The school distric t consists of the northern portion of Lexington County lying north of Lake Murray and the Saluda River and the northwestern portion of Richland County lying south of the Broad River. The School District is primarily a residential suburb located to the northwest of the city of Columbia, the capital city of South Carolina. Included in the District Five are the towns of Irmo and Chapin. The school district has three attendance areas: Chapin, Dutch Fork, and Irmo. District Five operates a total of 12 elementary schools, four middle schools, three high schools, and one alternative school. District Five offers an educational program that challenges and stimulates thinking and problem solving and fosters superior achievement. Our comprehensive educational program focuses on both academic and personal success for all students from early childhood education through grade 12 and including adult and community education programs. A variety of programs are offered to meet the diverse needs of ou r students.

Gifts For Chemistry Lovers

Gifts For Chemistry LoversWhen it comes to choosing gifts for chemistry lovers, there are many gifts that you could choose from. When I look at the great variety of gifts for chemistry lovers, I want to make sure that I will find the gift for any chemistry lover who will be my friend. Here are some of the best gifts for chemistry lovers:These gifts should come from a kid's toy store. A lot of kids like to play with toys, so toys are definitely the best gift that they can give. All you have to do is pick a toy that is related to chemistry. A lot of toys that are related to chemistry are PBR tanks, labs, eye droppers, microscopes, and a lot more.Another gift that you should give is a lab kit. These kits come in different types and sizes. For a child, these kits are also fun to play with. So pick a kit that will interest your friend. If he/she likes to play with science, you should buy them a kit for chemistry.Kids love to know about chemical reactions, so buy them a kit which contains all the required materials that they need to learn how to react with the elements that are needed for their learning. For example, for a kid who loves the boiling point of water, pick a kit that contains all the needed materials. Or if you want to teach him/her how to make lightning, buy him/her a kit that includes an instrument to make lightning. These kits are extremely fun and educational.Finally, you can choose a great gift for chemistry lovers as well. You can buy a book or CD. But the best gift to buy them is a full time job. You can offer your friend with a job as a teacher or a chemist.Chemistry is one of the most important subjects in school and college. If your friend likes to learn, then this is the perfect gift for chemistry lovers. Most schools do not allow students to learn the subject, but this gift will surely brighten up their day.Lastly, a lot of friends are also interested in learning chemistry. So you should definitely give them a good chemistry gift. One great w ay to do this is to buy a course from a site that offers a wide range of gifts for chemistry lovers.

Organic Chemistry Study Help - The Organic Chemistry Tutor Slope

Organic Chemistry Study Help - The Organic Chemistry Tutor SlopeOrganic Chemistry is one of the hardest subjects to get into at University and this could make it difficult for you to succeed, especially if you are unable to study in the summer when you have to pay for expensive holidays. There are several things that you can do to help with your problem and one of the best ways to help your organic chemistry homework is by finding a good organic chemistry tutor.If you are a student trying to find an academic year or two to spend studying then finding a tutor is vital. This can make your studies easier and you will not have to pay for expensive breaks when you need them. In fact, there are plenty of online options available which can help you study easier and get the grades you need.A chemistry tutor can provide help in a number of ways, some more useful than others. These can be through the use of homework guides, quizzes and tests and study guides. You can also look for a tutor by l ooking through online search engines for advice. These can be useful and also inexpensive.The important thing to remember when you are searching for a chemistry tutor is that you need someone who is going to help you understand what the subject is all about and who will help you practice. It is not that you have to be able to write good essay's, but you must understand the subject well so that you can start to tackle the material easily.There are some sites that will help you find a good and effective chemistry tutor by comparing notes. These will let you see how other students have used their tutors. It is important to note that some tutors will charge a small fee from you and others will offer a free first lesson.One of the most popular tips is to look at the sites that offer the best deals on tuition. If you know you will need a tutor for several years, then it makes sense to find one that has a good reputation, as it will help to improve your results.Remember, organic chemistry is not easy and if you are able to understand and learn the subject, then you will have a chance to excel in it. This means that you will have a better chance of making it into your chosen university.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Learning Organic Chemistry With Natural Chemicals

Learning Organic Chemistry With Natural ChemicalsIf you are planning to become an organic chemistry tutor, the answer may be hanging above your head right now. Why? Well, there are numerous things that make a perfect candidate to be a tutor. Here are some of them.You should consider all of the benefits that come with natural chemistry. As a tutor, you will get to learn not only how to make chemicals, but also how to make them out of natural materials. This is a much easier task to undertake than learning to mix chemicals in one's chemical kit. Since there are a number of chemical materials, you can begin by giving lectures on the topics that interests you most.A chemistry tutor should have a knowledge of the periodic table and chemistry in general. It is important to mention here that since there are so many topics involved in chemistry, some chemistry tutors think it is better to take lessons that interest them rather than focusing on a specific topic. The periodic table, for exampl e, requires the tutor to know a number of different chemical formulas. That is why more often than not, many universities are not using chemistry tutors for the sake of creating their own curriculum.After getting a degree in Chemistry or any other scientific field, you can expect to work as a teacher or a tutor in a school or even an academic institution. That is what a teacher does. Of course, they are not paid much in most cases, but it is quite the ideal position for those who want to pursue a career as a teacher.Organic chemistry can also benefit you in a number of other ways besides teaching others. For example, if you're into home-based tutoring, you can use it to promote organic gardening. While it might seem a bit silly, this is a good use of your time. So make sure that you keep at it if you're a home-based tutor.Being a chemistry tutor is a lucrative career. The fact that it is easy and non-physical makes it one of the easiest professions to get a degree in. There are also many colleges that offer courses in organic chemistry and you may be able to join a college if you would like to pursue the career. There are many online colleges, however, that offer instruction on chemistry for free. Just make sure that the college has a good reputation before choosing one of these.As you can see, becoming an organic chemistry tutor is a great career choice for those interested in organic gardening and teaching. Keep in mind, though, that there are other things you need to consider when you're choosing a university or college. There are a lot of colleges out there and you can't just choose any school because they offer organic chemistry, for example.